Friday 28 October 2011

Meditation Secrets

Meditation Secrets

The 7 Secrets of Successful Meditation

Following find the seven meditation secrets that will give you a comprehensive introduction to meditation. It's ideal for anyone with an interest in meditation, self-growth and personal development.

Secret #1: Meditation Is No 'Quick Fix'

Meditation is no 'quick fix' as far as personal development is concerned. I'm sure however that you've seen lots of quick-fix, "wealth without work" approaches to personal development. It's often claimed that you'll experience exotic states of blissful meditation and/or that you'll quickly bring about transformational changes in your life. While I'm sure some programs have something to offer, I also know there is no real short cut to LASTING transformation and happiness.
Meditation and mind-body training in general require PRACTICE. Those people that practice usually find the rewards are well worth it. If you practice correctly and you are committed to the process, the odds of achieving the results you're looking for and very good. I recommend you set aside some time each day for your practice. Ten minutes a day is fine to get you started. But the most important thing is that you make it fun so you enjoy it and practice consistently.

Secret #2: Your Posture Must Be Good

There are many possible positions for meditation namely the lotus position, half-lotus, sitting on a chair or cross-legged on the floor or lying down. Some prefer to sit on a cushion on the floor while others prefer a standing meditation. Whatever position you settle in, your posture must be full and open and your back straight. A bad posture is uncomfortable and will make you feel restless. When your posture is good, you will feel more comfortable and your practice will be so much more enjoyable.
Sitting or standing in a good posture makes the inside of your body come alive. Energy flows more easily through the body. Good posture promotes natural, spontaneous healing. Make good posture an inseparable part of your practice. In fact, make good posture part of your daily life!

Secret #3: The Best Style of Meditation

There are many people out there teaching all sorts of different styles and practices. But do not accept anyone's teaching without verifying the truth of what they say in your own experience. I recommend you try a few different styles and see what feels right for you. Find one or two styles that feel good for you and stick to that, but be careful not to get stuck in the technique. While there are a number of important guidelines common to all styles of meditation practice, the most important guideline is this:
Remember that if you feel discomfort in any way, that is a sign that what you are doing is NOT good! Meditation should NEVER be forced. You should let the meditation happen in a relaxed and comfortable way without forcing or directing it. The main thing to remember is to pay attention to your body. Make sure that what you are doing is natural and feels right for you.

Secret #4: The True Purpose of Meditation

Many people feel a sense of fascination when confronted with the possibility of mystic visions, psychic intuition and heightened mental functioning. I mean who wouldn't? Remember while meditators often report these sorts of improvements, these experiences should not be the primary reason for practice, otherwise we might lose ourselves in the fantasy.
The true purpose of meditation is peace of mind and to bring us back to ourselves.
As we become healthier, happier and realize greater self- awareness, the other benefits of meditation begin to follow naturally: improved mental functioning, greater intuition, as well as greater access to unconscious resources and abilities.

Secret #5: Distraction Does Not Equal Failure

Meditation is not work in the sense that you have to 'force' yourself to concentrate completely for long periods of time. If we consciously try to prevent thinking, it's going to have a negative impact on the meditation.
Always remember that meditation should be natural. Whenever we become lost in thought or confusion, we simply acknowledge those thoughts and then gently return the attention to our meditation cues (breathing, mantra etc). We do this as many times as distraction occurs. Thoughts and feelings are part of meditation practice. It's our relationship to our thoughts and feelings that we're training. With practice, the mind becomes calmer and discursive thought disappears.
A peaceful mind is achieved not through forcing the mind but through the act of quiet surrender.

Secret #6: Insight Alone Is Not Enough

Insight alone will not transform our lives. Meditation is likely to help us by giving us larger perspectives and increase clarity of thought. But even though our sense of inner guidance might become stronger, unless we act on that guidance, we will never manifest the changes we truly want in our lives.
This doesn't just mean we need to take action in our outer world, for example, having an honest conversation with a friend or paying a bill. It also means we must actively request the assistance of the unconscious in a clear and persistent way.
When you do that, as is taught in "Secrets of Meditation, Health and Manifestation," you find yourself magnetically drawn toward your dreams with an irresistible impulse.

Secret #7: Learn To Let Go

Once you have made your request, it's important that you let go. Don't be concerned with how you're going to get what you truly want in your life. Needing to know how can hamper the process of making it manifest in the outer world. Learn to trust the deeper part of yourself. Some changes - perhaps all of them - will happen automatically. I have personally found that many of my destructive habits simply dropped away with minimal conscious effort.
For me, this was achieved not by self-discipline and will power, but rather a "letting go." So we realize that spiritual growth is a natural process powered by parts of ourselves that know more than we can understand consciously. As we let go consciously and receive more input from these parts, we learn to trust this feeling - this feeling that we are in safe hands and that something amazing is about to happen.



Over millennia, so much has been said about meditation. I am sure you have all heard some of the obscure and remote explanations, the mystical and psychic experiences; that put the concept of meditation so far "out there" as to make it a joke to some and a dirty word to others. Despite the fact that meditation can cause psychic experiences (outside the sphere of physical science) these experiences are only a by-product of meditation.
Meditation is the tongue of the soul and the language of our spirit. ~Jeremy Taylor (Writer and Bishop, 1613-1667)~
It is also not the exclusive preserve of religious ascetics or the "spiritually advanced" and it is not necessary to subscribe to any particular belief system. Even though meditation is often associated with the Eastern Philosophies - Buddhism in particular - it is merely a state of mind, a very natural way to quiet the mind and tap into your limitless potential.
Various scientific studies have also confirmed that meditation has a measurable effect on both the brain and the body. The latest brain studies, conducted by function MRI (fMRI), Cat and other high-tech scans which can see brain function in real time, show that for instance the "day dreaming" state, formal meditation and even self-hypnotic states are all very similar in term of the wavelengths they generate (mostly in the alpha range of 8-13 Hz or cycles per second).
Pre-Historic Man - Meditation
Contrary to popular belief, meditation is neither alien to our culture, nor to our nature. Although it is virtually impossible to pinpoint where and when it evolved, I would say that it is fair to assume that primitive man took the first step towards self-awareness when he began to wonder where he had come from and what purpose there might be in existence.
Meditation has been used from the very beginning of time as people have always sought inner quiet, balance and physical relaxation, whether for spiritual, self-realization or health reasons. The benefits of meditation for your health can be viewed here.
Meditation does not necessarily mean you need to spend large amounts of time to get the benefits to your mind and body it is:
  • For everyone who wishes to relax and enjoy their own inner peace.
  • A pleasant way to gain deep relaxation as well as creating time and space for yourself.
  • Beneficial for your general well-being, but by using some simple words and images while you meditate (visualization) you can encourage improvement in a specific area of your life, you can gain the confidence to cope with an event in the future.
  • A technique that can be utilized for its therapeutic and relaxing benefits in stress management, or simply in pursuit of self-awareness.
  • For anyone wanting to improve their concentration.
  • For everyone who wants to foster a more positive attitude to life.
  • A way to enable you to gain a clearer sense of purpose.

The Seven Layers of the Aura

The Seven Layers of the Aura

It also has seven distinct layers of energy that are intimately connected to what is known as the Chakra System which is located along the spine. Essentially, the difference between an auric layer and an auric body according to Stephen Bishop is:
  • An Auric Body is a body of consciousness and awareness.
  • An Auric Layer is the representation of the chakra interacting in the aura.
Click on the Chakra Colors in the middle or the Aura Layers for more info.
Ketheric Template - 7th Layer of the AuraCelestial Layer - 6th Layer of the AuraEtheric Template - 5th Layer of the AuraAstral Layer - 4th Layer of the AuraMental Layer - 3rd Layer of the AuraEmotional Layer - 2nd Layer of the AuraEtheric Layer - 1st Layer of the AuraRoot Chakra - 1st ChakraSacral Chakra - 2nd ChakraSolar Plexus - 3rd ChakraHeart Chakra - 4th ChakraThroat Chakra - 5th ChakraThird Eye - Brow Chakra - 6th ChakraCrown Chakra - 7th ChakraThe Auric Body - Aura
These auric layers are not segregated in the way the use of the word layer might seem to imply.
Each layer interpenetrates the others and begins at our centre. The vibration of each level becomes finer and higher as we go from the inside out and each layer is related to the chakra of the same number.
The way the aura is perceived can vary greatly from person to person so my remarks about the layers are based on a general consensus and my experience but are by no means absolute.
Size also varies greatly largely depending on the energy level of the person and the way they use that particular part of themselves.
Stress, trauma and emotional pain can show as distortions and blocks in the aura long before they manifest as dis-ease in the physical plane.
The layers are as follows:

The aura can also be defined in terms of three types of energy:

Absorbent Energy
The aura is open to exchange with all forms of energy. For example, a walk alone through a forest will soothe and restore it as it absorbs the balance and renewal of nature. Conversely, an angry encounter will deplete your energy, leaving you feeling shattered and emotionally bruised.
Data Energy
The aura retains your past and present feelings, thoughts and actions. Practitioners of hypnotherapy, past-life regression, re-birthing and clairvoyance tap into their clients' data energy to help them understand themselves. Future predictions can also be gleaned from data energy.
Life-Force Energy
The aura exists only while you are alive. During illness it shrinks and fades with the level of dis-ease. It completely evaporates when you die. It can be likened to a mirror by which you are reflected at every stage of your development.
Aura of a Leaf
In addition to the inner workings around living beings, some people believe objects (non-living objects) also have an aura.
There is some debate concerning the cause or origin of these energy fields. Some practitioners believe the molecular structure of these objects has energy of their own and therefore the object, such as a table, has a real aura.
Then there are those that believe the object is simply being surrounded by an energy residue from a person, animal or plant that has recently come in contact with it, such as a dog sitting in a chair.
Still others believe the only non-living objects that may have an aura are electrical appliances, such as a lamp or computer. What a practitioner sees in those cases is the energy field of electricity that travels through the appliance and not the appliance itself.
The aura is an electromagnetic or energy field that radiates from all matter, although some matter is so dense and vibrates so slowly that it is often difficult to detect its aura. I see the aura as layers of beautiful, different-colored bands of light that surround you.

UNLOCK... the SECRETS of your AURA!

UNLOCK... the SECRETS of your AURA!

The Aura
Your Aura... imagine an advanced energy and information system that contains a true account or history of your life - past, present and future. Just picture that by referring to it, you could expand your awareness and discover exciting new dimensions to your existence.
NOW!! Further imagine that this energy system could uncover important resources that would enrich your life with new insight, growth and power.
Your aura, more than any other single human trait, manifests the sum and substance of your existence as an endless life force in the universe. It is a manifestation of your cosmic nature, the antennae of consciousness, a treasure-trove of knowledge and a repository of limitless growth possibilities.
The auras' radiance surpasses the brightest stars and has been referred to by some as the light of God, The Creator, the "All That Is" shining out from us.
The dictionaries define the word aura as: "Any subtle, invisible emanation or exhalation." The English authorities, as a rule, attribute the origin of the word to a Latin term meaning "air," but the Hindu authorities insist that it had its origin in the Sanskrit root "at", meaning the spoke of a wheel, the significance being perceived when we remember the fact that the human aura radiates from the body of the individual in a manner similar to the radiation of the spokes of a wheel from the hub thereof in many different colors.
Be the real origin of the term what it may, the study of the human aura and its empowerment relevance is at the cutting edge of psychic science today.

SPECIAL Aura Exercises...

SPECIAL Aura Exercises...

...for seeing and protecting your Aura

Your aura or auric field is a three-dimensional envelope of energy, seen as a pale, fine, luminous radiance, that is distinctly fluidic in appearance and behavior. This envelope surrounds your body in all directions and the fact that you might not be able to see it yet does not mean that it does not exist.
It keeps your physical body in a healthy condition and can occasionally do with a little bit of help from a friend - YOU! It is your aura that feeds your body, not the other way around. So the sooner you recognize and honor it, the better you will feel.

In the past it was believed that auras was only visible to certain people with special psychic powers. However, with a little bit of training and practice, or using "pinacyanole bromide" screens or goggles, the aura may be seen by anyone as a definite emanation.
Everything living has an etheric double, a duplicate of itself extending approximately 10 millimeters (one-quarter inch) to 50 millimeters (two inches) from the physical structure. The "double" is not normally perceived by the unaided or naked eye and neither are bacteria. But just as bacteria have been brought into scientific awareness by the microscope's ability to remove man's optical limitations, "pinacyanole bromide", screens or goggles also removes an optical limitation for seeing the aura.
Although the observation cannot be fully explained within these space limitations; it must be stressed that the means of observing this strange, ghostly emanation is physical and repeatable and requires not the slightest metaphysical knowledge.

Seeing the Aura

The following is a very basic exercise to help you see this field of energy. Do this exercise with a friend:
  1. Have your friend sit in a chair with their back against a white wall.
  2. Place a small sticky dot or piece of paper in the middle of their forehead.
  3. Sit about four feet away. Place your hands up in front of your face, and hold your fingers as if you were framing a picture with thumbs pointing inward and your index finger pointing up (Like two "L's" pointing inward).
  4. Loosely focus on the dot on your friend's forehead.
  5. While you are doing this, move your hands apart slowly, further and further apart, keeping a loose focus on the dot, and allowing your peripheral vision to follow your hands.
If you keep trying this exercise you will soon see a thin layer of light around your friend's head! If you try several times you may even see colour. Keep at it! Sooner or later you will see auras.

TEN interesting tips to improve Aura Vision

  • Auras must be viewed with the "inner eye"
  • Do not try to see an aura by staring. Rather relax your eyes and allow them get out of focus
  • Use gentle control to stay focused on the third eye area maintaining the higher focus
  • Don't force yourself or over concentrate
  • Avoid the afterimage trap - get your friends to wear white
  • Look for subtle colour impressions rather than solid or vivid colors
  • Try comparing friends and their auras
  • A persons aura depends on their state of relaxation, get your subject to breathe in and out deeply and see the difference
  • Remember Rome was not built in a day, regular practice improves aura vision
  • Don't try to hard or for too long - you will get tired

TRY THIS... Feeling the Aura

The following is a very basic exercise to help you detect this field of energy with your hands:
  1. Rub hands together vigorously.
  2. Position hands so that they are facing but not touching each other. (You may need to experiment with the distance as there is definitely a critical point at which the energy centers in the palms interact with one another.)
  3. Begin to move your hands slowly in and out from one another in a bouncing movement.
  4. When the two palm centers begin to interact you will feel what can be best described as a magnetic force between your hands.
  5. Once you feel this sensation which cannot be mistaken, move your hands slightly further apart. Eventually the contact will be broken as you move beyond the field of your own energy.
The above exercise can also be done with another person.
Here are some simple exercises that can be done to help block the flow of another's energy into our aura, as well as some exercises to strengthen yours.

Closing the Circuit Exercise

Blocking negative energy from entering your Aura OR preventing someone else "drawing" of your energy. This exercise is a very old and effective technique that many people do without even noticing they naturally do it.
Have you ever watched the body language of someone who does not want to be a part of the conversation, or doesn't want to be where they are? They naturally, without thinking about it cross their arms, lean back and often cross their legs in some manner too. This is shutting you out or at the very least, not giving you any of their energy.
This exercise is as simple as that, only there are some less "obvious" ways to do it.
Say you are sitting in a dinner table at a restaurant, and there is some one that is sending you negative energy or is "drawing" on your energy. Put your hands under the table in your lap and with your palms facing each other, only in opposite directions (your fingers of your left hand would be pointing toward your right wrist and the fingers of your right hand would be pointing to your left wrist,) hook your fingers together. Then simply cross your legs at your ankles. It's that simple.
Another version of this is to take your hands and place the opposite thumb to the opposite forefinger of each hand and then cross your legs.

Strengthening, Balancing and Clearing Your Aura

Outdoor sunlight and fresh air as well as exercise strengthen your aura. Meditation also strengthens and protects the aura.
Musical notes and sounds, even chants can help cleanse, balance and re-energize your chakras and your aura. Try some Gregorian Chants, they'll not only cleanse the negative energy, they'll also cleanse it from the surrounding environment.
Smudging can cleanse your aura as well as the surrounding area.
Crystals, especially laser wands, massage wands or double terminated points are excellent for cleansing and re-balancing.
Crystal Healing - Aura
  1. Take your crystal and starting about 15 centimeters (6 inches) above the head use one end and move in tiny counter clockwise circles (to the left) all the way down the front of the body and about 15 centimeters (6 inches) past the soles of the feet, this should be done about 10 - 12 centimeters (4-5 inches) from the physical body.
  2. Next, turn your crystal around, and going in clockwise (to the right) tiny circles, move back up the body and finish about 15 centimeters (6 inches) past the top of the head.
  3. Once done, put the crystal down and sweep your hands in a downward motion across the front of the body, starting at the head on the left side of the body down to the feet, then repeat through the middle of the body and lastly repeat down the right side of the body.

Clearing your Aura

Use the following meditation to clear and cleanse whenever required:
  1. Sit in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for 10 to 15 minutes.
  2. Sit in a chair or on the floor, but keep your back straight. If you choose to use spiritual music, begin the music now.
  3. Close your eyes and take in 3 deep breaths.
  4. As you breathe in through your nose, imagine the positive white light of the universe, the Creator, entering your lungs and energizing your physical body.
  5. As you exhale say to yourself "I release all stress and negative emotions to the universe, where they can be dissipated and no longer do harm to anyone" and imagine all your stress, anxiety and negativity leave your body in a grey smoke through your mouth dissipating into the universe.
  6. As you take in the final breath, imagine the Creators energy filling your lungs with a large ball of pure protective white light.
  7. Returning to normal breathing, imagine the white ball of light beginning to grow as it mixes with your own energy. As the ball becomes larger, the positive light pushes through your organs, tissue and muscles, forcing any leftover stress out of your body and into the universe to be dispersed.
  8. Feel the energy pushing up through your chest, neck and head and then feel the energy pushing downward, through your stomach, hips, legs and feet.
  9. Allow the Creators light to energize your body and clear your aura, stay like this for 10 - 15 minutes.
  10. Thank the Creator and your guide or guides for their assistance.
  11. When you're ready, bring your energies back to the room you're in and open your eyes.
Any of the above techniques can be done on your own.

DEPRESSED? Loosen Up your Aura

There is a method for loosening up the aura, which can be done at any time. It is very effective and helpful, especially when someone is depressed or weighed down. The person should stand in front of you with their eyes closed. Now starting at the feet and working your way up, loosen up the aura as if you were whirling feathers into the air. Repeat from all sides, until the whole aura has been treated. This should cheer people up and help them feel freer.

Giving and Gaining Back Energy

To gain back your energy given through the day and to give people back their energy, simply state out loud, or in your mind, "I release your energy back to you and I take back all of my energy from you".

The Four Subtle Energy Bodies of the Aura

The Four Subtle Energy Bodies of the Aura

Beyond the physical body are the subtle energy bodies and the uninhibited flow of this subtle energy maintains the physical body. Therefore, knowledge of the extended human energy field - your Aura and Chakras - is imperative for improving your health and well-being. These four subtle energy bodies of consciousness is what defines your personality, your perception, your direction in life, and your soul's expression and are known as the Causal or Spiritual, the Mental, the Emotional and the Etheric Bodies.

The Causal or Spiritual Body

Reminder - AuraReminder

The Auric Body is the body of consciousness and awareness and the Auric Layer is the representation of the chakra interacting in the aura.
The Spiritual Body (the first of the subtle energy bodies) also known as the Causal Body is a body of consciousness associated with your true spiritual path and direction in life. It is your highest potential and reflects your ability to manifest your souls true potential here on earth.
The essence of your soul's reality is the expression "to be" and this ultimately is the reason for your existence. It has the highest vibration of the auric bodies and depending on the development of your spiritual nature, this body can emanate up to three feet from the physical body.
It appears as a whitish glow and contains your true spiritual essence.
"Casual consciousness deals with the essence of a subject while the mental level studies the subject's detail. The casual body deals with the essence of substance and the true causes behind the illusion of appearance... The causal plane is a world of realities... deals with essence and underlying nature of things in question. Healing at this level is more powerful than the mental body." (Gerber)

The Mental Body

Aura - Mental Body The Spiritual body (the second of the subtle energy bodies) is the blueprint to your spiritual potential. However, it requires the creation of patterns of energy for this potential to be expressed and experienced. These patterns of energy are stored in the Mental body as thoughts - both conscious and sub-conscious.
The patterns stored within the mental body creates the character framework for the soul to project its personality. The "self" manifests and expresses concrete intellect through the mental body.
This body appears as a golden yellow light radiating out and around the head and shoulders and extending around the whole body. It expands and becomes brighter when its owner is concentrating on mental processes.
Extending up to twelve inches from the body, the mental body filtrates thoughts down to the emotional body which reacts to the thoughts with an emotional association be it love, fear, happiness, anger, and so forth. A balanced mental body will provide an individual with clarity and direction.

The Emotional or Astral Body

The Emotional Body (the third of the subtle energy bodies) is more fluid and of a higher vibration than the etheric body. It appears as colored clouds in continual motion, reflecting the quality and intensity of the emotions. This is the part of you that likes to "jump out" in times of trauma and shock, to produce a feeling of emotional numbness, which will allow you to slowly integrate the knowledge of the shock in your own way.
The Emotional body, which is also known as the Astral body, is the seat of your emotions. It is the bridge between the mind and the physical body. Your emotional energy governs your fears and hopes, loves and pains. It governs the extent and nature of one's personality expression upon the physical plane.
This body is the projection of your longings, moods, feelings, appetites, and fears. The emotional "self" is the expression of your mental "self" thus the emotional body is the expression of the mental body.
The energy of the emotional body impacts the Etheric body, which in turn impacts the physical body. Consequently emotional blockages prevent the manifestation of clarity of thought and direction in the physical body.

The Etheric Body

Aura - Etheric Body
The Etheric Body (the fourth of the subtle energy bodies) appears as a bluish-grey colour or shadow, extending approximately one inch from the physical body. It is responsible for the transfer of life energy or vitality from the universal energy field to the physical body.
The Etheric body is a body of Etheric or subtle matter which furnishes the basic blue print for the physical body. Every cell in the physical body has an etheric counterpart.
This body also serves as a filtration system. Universal life force energy filters down through the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Etheric Bodies into the physical body. The Etheric Body is the interface between the physical body and the other subtle bodies of the Aura.
When the flow of this energy is disrupted, the physical body is affected and if this imbalance is not corrected, illness and dis-ease can manifest in the physical body. There is a synergistic relationship between each subtle body of the aura.
Other than the four subtle energy bodies the Aura also has seven distinct layers of energy that are intimately connected to what is known as the Chakra System which is located along the spine.

Aura Balancing and Protecting your Energies

Aura Balancing and Protecting your Energies

Aura balancing is the practice of focusing on the aura and using it as a tool for healing. Those who use the aura to heal say it gives them sort of four-dimensional image of a person. The three dimensions we're used to, as well as the dimension of time, giving a history of a person's life experience.
Aura Balancing is a good idea to do from time to time to clear out any negative thought patterns and emotional blocks as well as to set a shield of protection around yourself.

Why would you practice Aura Balancing for Healing?

Have you ever woken up in the morning and felt "out of sorts", "not all there" or perhaps you notice in the middle of the day that you feel "heavy", "sluggish" or "weighed down". All this could be from an imbalance in your energy field.


Living in extremes are not living in balance - do an Aura Balancing.
Also remember that "too much of a good thing can be bad for you". Living most of your life in the spiritual mind and not being grounded isn't any better than those of you who live in the physical world and never give your spiritual natures a second thought, or a first thought for that matter.
Without doing an Aura Balancing your energies can be affected in other ways as well:
  • Worry and anxiety that causes you to always be thinking of issues and problems can make you scatterbrained.
  • Trying to burn the candle at both ends; always being bogged down in work and never taking time to relax or release stress can weigh you down. Either way, you can eventually affect your energy to the point of developing physical ailments.
Depending on the events in your life, you may want to balance your energies once a week, or twice a month.
Each person is different and handles life in different ways; so it's really up to you how often you feel you need this exercise. Although my suggestion would be that you protect yourself on a daily basis.
The effects of the aura balancing may be as subtle as feeling more peaceful or as dramatic as experiencing bliss, greater clarity, or transformation.
Aura Balancing will also help in reducing stress and anxiety.
When you perform Aura Balancing regularly you will notice the following:
  • an increase in your energy and improvement of your physical health
  • feeling more peaceful
  • obtaining perceptual clarity
  • experiencing deep relaxation and bliss
  • receiving greater joy and confidence
  • gaining greater enthusiasm and ease in daily living
  • expanding your sense of well-being
  • awakening you to your holiness and assisting you toward the fulfilment of your spiritual promise
Aura Balancing - There are two different ways to balance your aura and set a shield of protection for yourself:
For the first aura balancing technique simply surround yourself with white light, and imagine a force field being established around your physical body. However, if you have not done an aura clearing and cleansing exercise before surrounding yourself with white light, this method can trap unwanted stress, anxiety or negative energies within your physical body and inside your shield. So in this case you might be blocking the external negative forces, but you're trapping your own negative energies that you create yourself, within your shield.
A better Aura Balancing method is to generate a protection shield from the inside of your being "pushing" those unwanted energies out of your body, balancing your energy and then setting a shield round you. This way you're clearing, cleansing, balancing and setting your shield of protection all at the same time.
The following is a step-by-step Aura Balancing process for pushing the negative energies out of your body and calling upon the Divine forces to lift your "spirit" and aid in your protection.
You can even add a little step to this Aura Balancing process to bring Positive Divine energy into your being to add to your wellbeing or mental state. It doesn't take long to perform this mini-ritual. (You can certainly add to this with candles or other tools to enhance the process)
It's not as hard as you think.

So how do perform an Aura Balancing for myself?

The first step of Aura Balancing is Clearing and Cleansing:
  1. Sit in a comfortable position, to assist you in alleviating the stress within your body.
  2. Close your eyes and take in a 3 deep cleansing breaths as follows: Inhale through your nose filling your lungs to their fullest capacity imagining white light filling your being and collecting at your solar plexus. (your solar plexus is located in the centre of your abdomen, right where you ribs connect at the bottom)
  3. As you exhale, imagine all your stress, anxiety and negativity leave your body in a grey smoke through your mouth dissipating into the universe. Push all the air out of your body from your solar plexus on your exhale.
  4. Now with each inhalation, imagine the in-take of white light increasing and enlarging the size of the white bubble of light collecting at your solar plexus.
  5. All left over negativity, stress, anxieties and unwanted energies are being forced out of your body in a cloud of grey smoke by the growing divine white light.
  6. In your minds eye see this white light moving up and down, from your solar plexus, inside your body.
  7. Feel the warmth of the divine energy of this white light as it passes through your muscles and organs. Feel the tingling sensations as the light moves down to your toes and at the same time up your body to the top of your head.
  8. Imagine your entire body filled by this divine white light, from the inside out, making you a beacon of light.
The second step of Aura Balancing is Grounding and Lifting:
Aura Rainbow Butterfly
  1. Move your attention to your solar plexus and imagine a silver cord, extending from your solar plexus moving down your spine and down through the chair or whatever you're sitting on.
  2. Watch the cord extend down through the floor, the foundation of the building you're in, the bedrock, the molten lava of the earth until finally your cord reaches the centre of Mother Earth.
  3. In your minds eye see the cord "plug into" the earth, like a cord into an outlet.
  4. Now feel the energy of the earth as it travels up the cord taking the same path back to you. As the energy reaches your body, it slows down and gently enters into your body.
  5. You feel its warmth; you feel a slight pull on your body as the energy moves to your solar plexus.
  6. With each breath you take, the Earth's energy spreads throughout your body until you're fully engulfed in the Earth's grounding energy.
  7. Moving your attention back to your solar plexus, imagine a second silver cord, extending from your solar plexus moving up your spine.
  8. Watch it travel through your body and up and out through the top of your head moving through the ceiling, the roof, the clouds and atmosphere out into depths of space.
  9. In your minds eye see the cord plug into the Divine Source or whatever feels right for you.
  10. Now feel the gold energy of the Divine light travelling through your cord, back down through the sky, the building and ceiling until it reaches the top of your head gently and slowly moving into your body.
  11. Feel the cool uplifting feeling of this energy as it travels down your spine to your solar plexus.
  12. With each breath you take, the Divine energy spreads throughout your body growing and expanding until it engulfs your whole body.
  13. See these two energies (earth and divine) intertwining yet remaining separate, working together to balance your energies.
  14. Both energies of light are gently swirling inside your body to overflowing.
The third step of Aura Balancing is Setting Protection:
  1. Call on your guides, angels and teachers to assist you in the setting of protection and thank them in advance for their efforts.
  2. Take a deep breath and place yourself in the bubble of white light that you created.
  3. Now see the intertwining earth and divine gold energies swirling around your white bubble of light creating a shimmering indestructible outer shell.
  4. See yourself floating in this egg of energy made up of the white energy you created, the Earth energy and the gold energy of the Divine, all gently and calmly moving through you and around you giving you the ultimate protection against all negativity.