Color - Energy Messenger of the Universe
Early in our lives we learn to interpret our environment as much by color as by shapes or sounds. To give you an example... our response to colour is so basic that, until the age of about five or six, sometimes even later, if asked to sort out shapes we would automatically divide them according to color, rather than their shape. We grow up surrounded by color not only in our homes but also in the environment.
We make choices that are intuitively influenced by color everyday. Color coding guides our travels, our administration and such practical details as electronic wiring. It gives us information about much of our environment; it even helps us to locate ourselves geographically, by the hue of the local stone, for example, or the tones of the colors in the landscape.
We dress in colorful clothes, eat colorful foods... color not dominates our senses but that of the animal kingdom as well. How many different animals or birds can you list that select their mate on color?
Are we as humans that different? Think of women when deciding whether to go blond or brunette, applying their make-up, with all colors carefully considered and chosen to make them attractive and to make them feel good, not much different is it?
How many of you have experienced the joy and wonder when looking at a magnificently glorious sunset maybe even felt depressed on a grey cloudy day or felt a sense of peace, calm and relaxation when gazing across the great expanse of a tranquil deep blue lake surrounded by the rich, vibrant green of mother nature?
These feelings are your reaction to the different vibrational energies of color. In our universe everything is defined by color, right down to our moods. (Ever been in a black mood?)
Even though we tend to think of color as a purely physical phenomenon experienced by our sense of sight alone, as a form of energy, color is active on all levels of our being - mental, emotional, physical, spiritual - and because different colors vibrate at different frequencies it plays an important role in many energy healing modalities.
Due to the importance of color in our lives and in the Universe, color healing is part of most energy healing techniques.
- Angel Healing - Archangels vibrate to different color rays.
- Aromatherapy Healing - Each aromatherapy oil projects its own unique colour vibrations.
- Aura Healing - Your Aura colors not only reflect your emotions but also has significance on a physical, mental and spiritual level.
- Healing with Candles - Coloured candles have a great influence upon our health, thoughts, and actions.
- Chakra Healing - Chakras act like doorways through which emotional, mental and spiritual force flow into your physical expressions and each chakra vibrates to a color.
- Crystal Healing - Qualities like; the chemical make up, the structure, shape, hardness and luster focus the energies of crystals in certain ways, but color is one of the keys as to how a crystal heals, hence the flexibility of colored gemstones.
- Color Healing - There are numerous ways to heal with color for example Coloured Lightening, Coloured Silks, Colour of Clothing, Coloured Sheets, Solarized Water, Colour Breathing, Coloured Scents, Aura Soma, Coloured Foods, Coloured Candles, Crystals and Colour, Healing Colour Touch and Visualization and Meditation with Color.
- Reiki Healing - A safe, gentle, non-intrusive hands-on healing technique for use on yourself or with others, which uses spiritual energy (universal life force energy, white or violet light) to treat physical ailments without using pressure, manipulation or massage.
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