SPECIAL Aura Exercises...
...for seeing and protecting your Aura
Your aura or auric field is a three-dimensional envelope of energy, seen as a pale, fine, luminous radiance, that is distinctly fluidic in appearance and behavior. This envelope surrounds your body in all directions and the fact that you might not be able to see it yet does not mean that it does not exist.
It keeps your physical body in a healthy condition and can occasionally do with a little bit of help from a friend - YOU! It is your aura that feeds your body, not the other way around. So the sooner you recognize and honor it, the better you will feel.
In the past it was believed that auras was only visible to certain people with special psychic powers. However, with a little bit of training and practice, or using "pinacyanole bromide" screens or goggles, the aura may be seen by anyone as a definite emanation.
Everything living has an etheric double, a duplicate of itself extending approximately 10 millimeters (one-quarter inch) to 50 millimeters (two inches) from the physical structure. The "double" is not normally perceived by the unaided or naked eye and neither are bacteria. But just as bacteria have been brought into scientific awareness by the microscope's ability to remove man's optical limitations, "pinacyanole bromide", screens or goggles also removes an optical limitation for seeing the aura.
Although the observation cannot be fully explained within these space limitations; it must be stressed that the means of observing this strange, ghostly emanation is physical and repeatable and requires not the slightest metaphysical knowledge.
Have you ever watched the body language of someone who does not want to be a part of the conversation, or doesn't want to be where they are? They naturally, without thinking about it cross their arms, lean back and often cross their legs in some manner too. This is shutting you out or at the very least, not giving you any of their energy.
This exercise is as simple as that, only there are some less "obvious" ways to do it.
Say you are sitting in a dinner table at a restaurant, and there is some one that is sending you negative energy or is "drawing" on your energy. Put your hands under the table in your lap and with your palms facing each other, only in opposite directions (your fingers of your left hand would be pointing toward your right wrist and the fingers of your right hand would be pointing to your left wrist,) hook your fingers together. Then simply cross your legs at your ankles. It's that simple.
Another version of this is to take your hands and place the opposite thumb to the opposite forefinger of each hand and then cross your legs.
Musical notes and sounds, even chants can help cleanse, balance and re-energize your chakras and your aura. Try some Gregorian Chants, they'll not only cleanse the negative energy, they'll also cleanse it from the surrounding environment.

Everything living has an etheric double, a duplicate of itself extending approximately 10 millimeters (one-quarter inch) to 50 millimeters (two inches) from the physical structure. The "double" is not normally perceived by the unaided or naked eye and neither are bacteria. But just as bacteria have been brought into scientific awareness by the microscope's ability to remove man's optical limitations, "pinacyanole bromide", screens or goggles also removes an optical limitation for seeing the aura.
Although the observation cannot be fully explained within these space limitations; it must be stressed that the means of observing this strange, ghostly emanation is physical and repeatable and requires not the slightest metaphysical knowledge.
Seeing the Aura
The following is a very basic exercise to help you see this field of energy. Do this exercise with a friend:- Have your friend sit in a chair with their back against a white wall.
- Place a small sticky dot or piece of paper in the middle of their forehead.
- Sit about four feet away. Place your hands up in front of your face, and hold your fingers as if you were framing a picture with thumbs pointing inward and your index finger pointing up (Like two "L's" pointing inward).
- Loosely focus on the dot on your friend's forehead.
- While you are doing this, move your hands apart slowly, further and further apart, keeping a loose focus on the dot, and allowing your peripheral vision to follow your hands.
TEN interesting tips to improve Aura Vision
- Auras must be viewed with the "inner eye"
- Do not try to see an aura by staring. Rather relax your eyes and allow them get out of focus
- Use gentle control to stay focused on the third eye area maintaining the higher focus
- Don't force yourself or over concentrate
- Avoid the afterimage trap - get your friends to wear white
- Look for subtle colour impressions rather than solid or vivid colors
- Try comparing friends and their auras
- A persons aura depends on their state of relaxation, get your subject to breathe in and out deeply and see the difference
- Remember Rome was not built in a day, regular practice improves aura vision
- Don't try to hard or for too long - you will get tired
TRY THIS... Feeling the Aura
The following is a very basic exercise to help you detect this field of energy with your hands:- Rub hands together vigorously.
- Position hands so that they are facing but not touching each other. (You may need to experiment with the distance as there is definitely a critical point at which the energy centers in the palms interact with one another.)
- Begin to move your hands slowly in and out from one another in a bouncing movement.
- When the two palm centers begin to interact you will feel what can be best described as a magnetic force between your hands.
- Once you feel this sensation which cannot be mistaken, move your hands slightly further apart. Eventually the contact will be broken as you move beyond the field of your own energy.
Here are some simple exercises that can be done to help block the flow of another's energy into our aura, as well as some exercises to strengthen yours.
Closing the Circuit Exercise
Blocking negative energy from entering your Aura OR preventing someone else "drawing" of your energy. This exercise is a very old and effective technique that many people do without even noticing they naturally do it.Have you ever watched the body language of someone who does not want to be a part of the conversation, or doesn't want to be where they are? They naturally, without thinking about it cross their arms, lean back and often cross their legs in some manner too. This is shutting you out or at the very least, not giving you any of their energy.
This exercise is as simple as that, only there are some less "obvious" ways to do it.
Say you are sitting in a dinner table at a restaurant, and there is some one that is sending you negative energy or is "drawing" on your energy. Put your hands under the table in your lap and with your palms facing each other, only in opposite directions (your fingers of your left hand would be pointing toward your right wrist and the fingers of your right hand would be pointing to your left wrist,) hook your fingers together. Then simply cross your legs at your ankles. It's that simple.
Another version of this is to take your hands and place the opposite thumb to the opposite forefinger of each hand and then cross your legs.
Strengthening, Balancing and Clearing Your Aura
Outdoor sunlight and fresh air as well as exercise strengthen your aura. Meditation also strengthens and protects the aura.Musical notes and sounds, even chants can help cleanse, balance and re-energize your chakras and your aura. Try some Gregorian Chants, they'll not only cleanse the negative energy, they'll also cleanse it from the surrounding environment.
Smudging can cleanse your aura as well as the surrounding area.
Crystals, especially laser wands, massage wands or double terminated points are excellent for cleansing and re-balancing.- Take your crystal and starting about 15 centimeters (6 inches) above the head use one end and move in tiny counter clockwise circles (to the left) all the way down the front of the body and about 15 centimeters (6 inches) past the soles of the feet, this should be done about 10 - 12 centimeters (4-5 inches) from the physical body.
- Next, turn your crystal around, and going in clockwise (to the right) tiny circles, move back up the body and finish about 15 centimeters (6 inches) past the top of the head.
- Once done, put the crystal down and sweep your hands in a downward motion across the front of the body, starting at the head on the left side of the body down to the feet, then repeat through the middle of the body and lastly repeat down the right side of the body.
Clearing your Aura
Use the following meditation to clear and cleanse whenever required:- Sit in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Sit in a chair or on the floor, but keep your back straight. If you choose to use spiritual music, begin the music now.
- Close your eyes and take in 3 deep breaths.
- As you breathe in through your nose, imagine the positive white light of the universe, the Creator, entering your lungs and energizing your physical body.
- As you exhale say to yourself "I release all stress and negative emotions to the universe, where they can be dissipated and no longer do harm to anyone" and imagine all your stress, anxiety and negativity leave your body in a grey smoke through your mouth dissipating into the universe.
- As you take in the final breath, imagine the Creators energy filling your lungs with a large ball of pure protective white light.
- Returning to normal breathing, imagine the white ball of light beginning to grow as it mixes with your own energy. As the ball becomes larger, the positive light pushes through your organs, tissue and muscles, forcing any leftover stress out of your body and into the universe to be dispersed.
- Feel the energy pushing up through your chest, neck and head and then feel the energy pushing downward, through your stomach, hips, legs and feet.
- Allow the Creators light to energize your body and clear your aura, stay like this for 10 - 15 minutes.
- Thank the Creator and your guide or guides for their assistance.
- When you're ready, bring your energies back to the room you're in and open your eyes.
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