Sound Energy
The Power of the Word - Use it Wisely
Words are sound energy, powerful beyond measure. Be aware of what you say to yourself, every cell is listening . . . Words play an important part in the realms of healing.Every sound you utter sends out an energy wave that aids in creating your world. With every sentence you speak you creating sound energy which is improving or destroying your health, relationships and finances in other words your world.
Can you live without communication, without language, without THE WORD?
The truth of the matter is that the one thing we cannot live without, the one thing that more than anything else shapes our whole life; words, language, communication, is also our greatest enemy.
"If you propose to speak, always ask yourself - is it true is it necessary, is it kind?"
Gautama Buddha
Gautama Buddha
Yes, labels have purpose.
Labels such as "good" and "bad" ... "pain" ... "happiness" ... "marriage" ... even "self-development" ...
They're designed to help make life easier, by arranging experiences into pigeon-holes that we can easily identify.
Words are parallels for perceptions and actions that allow us to communicate with each other about our personal experiences, feelings, desires, and thoughts.
You learn words through the cultural conditioning of your families, the schools and universities you attend, and the broader cultural surroundings of our cities, towns and countries.
I have found that more often than not, by using a particular term, we end up trying to force ourselves into a specific pigeon-hole ... regardless of what we're actually experiencing!
While words can facilitate learning and healing, they may also hamper or even block these. The commonly accepted use of a label for something may impede changes in perceptions about that subject, and may make it difficult to change our ways of relating to the concepts put into words by the label. This is a serious problem in society at large, health care and healing.
This is an excerpt from "Manifesting Your Beloved"
"The most powerful example I've ever heard was a story told to me directly by the woman who had the experience. This woman had developed an incurable disease of the eyes. She was quickly going blind.
Her physicians said there was NOTHING they could do. Being very determined and not liking what she heard, she turned to alternative therapies for a possible cure - something she never would have done had she not been in this desperate situation.
A friend recommended she see someone that did crystal healing. She thought that sounded ridiculous but decided to give it a try.
During her appointment, the crystal healing therapist asked her to describe herself, her life, etc. and she let her talk for about 10 minutes. Suddenly, the therapist stopped her and said "Did you know that in the last 10 minutes you said the words 'I hate to see' 15 times?"
The woman was shocked.
She used the words "I hate to see" before many things. "I hate to see the way the world is going." "I hate to see how they are treating the children in schools." On and on she made reference to "I hate to see" this or that.
This was literally an eye opening experience. She switched her words and now years later have perfect vision."
Are you doing the same?
The Sound energy of words can create an amazing life and words can destroy a life.
So can thoughts; they either destroy or create because thoughts are the original manifestation of the spoken word.
Are you leading a constructive existence or is your life falling apart around you; in a state of destruction?
Every experience in the "now" has its roots in past thinking. Negative thought patterns as do positive thought patterns, create an energy field around you which eventually feeds you back whatever you have put out. This energy field not only affects you but also everyone else around you.
See how the influence of your words and their sound energy will change your life.
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