The Seven Layers of the Aura
It also has seven distinct layers of energy that are intimately connected to what is known as the Chakra System which is located along the spine. Essentially, the difference between an auric layer and an auric body according to Stephen Bishop is:- An Auric Body is a body of consciousness and awareness.
- An Auric Layer is the representation of the chakra interacting in the aura.
Click on the Chakra Colors in the middle or the Aura Layers for more info.
Each layer interpenetrates the others and begins at our centre. The vibration of each level becomes finer and higher as we go from the inside out and each layer is related to the chakra of the same number.
The way the aura is perceived can vary greatly from person to person so my remarks about the layers are based on a general consensus and my experience but are by no means absolute.
Size also varies greatly largely depending on the energy level of the person and the way they use that particular part of themselves.
Stress, trauma and emotional pain can show as distortions and blocks in the aura long before they manifest as dis-ease in the physical plane.
The layers are as follows:
- Etheric Layer
- Emotional Layer
- Mental Layer
- Astral Layer
- Etheric Template
- Celestial Layer
- Ketheric Template
The aura can also be defined in terms of three types of energy:
Absorbent Energy
The aura is open to exchange with all forms of energy. For example, a walk alone through a forest will soothe and restore it as it absorbs the balance and renewal of nature. Conversely, an angry encounter will deplete your energy, leaving you feeling shattered and emotionally bruised.Data Energy
The aura retains your past and present feelings, thoughts and actions. Practitioners of hypnotherapy, past-life regression, re-birthing and clairvoyance tap into their clients' data energy to help them understand themselves. Future predictions can also be gleaned from data energy.Life-Force Energy
The aura exists only while you are alive. During illness it shrinks and fades with the level of dis-ease. It completely evaporates when you die. It can be likened to a mirror by which you are reflected at every stage of your development.There is some debate concerning the cause or origin of these energy fields. Some practitioners believe the molecular structure of these objects has energy of their own and therefore the object, such as a table, has a real aura.
Then there are those that believe the object is simply being surrounded by an energy residue from a person, animal or plant that has recently come in contact with it, such as a dog sitting in a chair.
Still others believe the only non-living objects that may have an aura are electrical appliances, such as a lamp or computer. What a practitioner sees in those cases is the energy field of electricity that travels through the appliance and not the appliance itself.
The aura is an electromagnetic or energy field that radiates from all matter, although some matter is so dense and vibrates so slowly that it is often difficult to detect its aura. I see the aura as layers of beautiful, different-colored bands of light that surround you.
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